(FP7: KBBE.2012.2.2-03312057) - (Start date: January 2013)
Preview, Prevention of diabetes through lifestyle Intervention and population studies in Europe and around the World, is an European research integrated project funded under FP7. The overall objective of the Preview project is to determine the extent to which a high-protein, low-GI diet in combination with physical activity can reduce the incidence of diabetes in pre-diabetic overweight children and adults. This will be done through specific intervention and cohort studies focusing both on diet and physical activity but also their interaction with other lifestyle factors, such as sleep and stress.
NetUnion developed the QDP (Questionnaire Delivery Platform) for collecting social, psychological and behavioral variables of the study, as well as, PAL (Physical Activity Log), an online companion for the physical activity intervention.
The project assembles 12 European partners and 3 research organisations from Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
Partner list